Sunday, May 17, 2009

Rain and a book to read! In heaven!

Yes, it rained and was overcast yesterday, what a day to spend indoors curled up with a book I really wanted to finish! Uprising by Margaret Peteson Haddix! Wow! The book is about the Triangle Shirtwaist factory and the girls who worked there. All from the view of a few girls whose path crosses a few times and who end up becoming friends in dire circumstances. I knew a little about the factory, but this brought the plight of the workers, and their ages, to a different understanding. It is a fictional account, but neverless you can get into the story and start understanding what these girls had to live for - nothing! I would recommend this book as a Texas Lone Star book over some of the books that have been nominated and shouldn't have been. Hmmmm, maybe I will do just that!

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